During the two week period after the previous post, I had the opportunity to talk with the people at MDAnalysis on how to implement on-the-fly trajectory transformations (see #786). We agreed that I look at how coordinate files are read, what methods from which classes are read, in order to have a clearer picture of how the API works. When the user creates an instance of the Universe class with topology and trajectory files

	u = MDAnalysis.Universe(topology, trajectory)

the load_new() method of this class is called. This method calls the get_reader_for() method of the _get_readers module. When no format is provided, this method guesses it based on the trajectory file extension and returns the appropriate reader class.

An instance of the reader class is created. Inside the reader, the first frame of the trajectory is read and converted to a Timestep object, the units are converted to MDAnalysis base, and the Timestep is returned by the reader.

Finally, the trajectory property from the Universe class becomes a reference to the trajectory reader object, and the user can access the methods from the ProtoReader.

When the user requests another frame of the trajectory


the method next() from the ProtoReader updates the current instance of Timestep, ts, by calling the _read_next_timestep() method. This method is overloaded by the _read_next_timestep() of the reader class for that format.

Inside the _read_next_timestep() of the reader class, the next frame is read from the file and converted to Timestep as before. Units are also converted as before. Finally next() returns the updated ts.

In February Richard Gowers had shown that transformations could be implemented on the back of the methods that deal with auxiliary data files for the trajectory (see #1215). These methods are part of the ProtoReader class, which serves as the parent class for all the format readers. This is where the transformations API has to be implemented, as it will be inherited by all the format readers and kept contained and consistent.

From this starting point, I started playing with the API, becoming more and more familiar with it. You can check the progress on this pull request. Thanks to my GSOC mentors Jonathan Barnoud and Richard Gowers, and the input of Oliver Beckstein and Manuel Melo the implementation became solid and much cleaner.

So, how is the API implemented?

The ProtoReader now has a property called transformations. This property contains the transformations that are added by the user using one of two ways:

upon instancing the Universe class using the transformations keyword

workflow = [thistransform(args), othertransform(args)]
u = MDAnalysis.Universe(topology, trajectory, transformations = workflow)

after instancing the universe using the add_transformations() method of the reader class

workflow = [thistransform(args), othertransform(args)]
u = MDAnalysis.Universe(topology, trajectory)

In both cases the add_transformations() method is called (implicitly or explicitly). This method checks if transformations have already been added (raising an exception if transformations have been added previously, which I’ll explain later), and, save for three special cases - the ChainReader, SingleFrameReaderBase and the MemoryReader - will apply the transformations to the current Timestep instance.

But where is the Timestep changed?

There are two methods in the ProtoReader that are called by almost all the readers, either when iterating the full trajectory, or a part of it (a slice): next() and _read_frame_with_aux(). The first one reads the next frame of the trajectory, and is called when we iterate over all the frames. The second one is called when iterating over a slice of the trajectory, and updates the frame as well as the auxiliary data. Also very important - both these methods return a Timestep.

So, these are the best candidates to apply the transformations. I added a _apply_transformations() method to the class - which, as the name says, applies the transformations to an argument timestep and returns it. This method is called by next() and _read_frame_with_aux().

And there it is, the trajectory transformations API.

Well, almost…

Remember the three special cases? The ChainReader, SingleFrameReaderBase and the MemoryReader behave differently to the other readers, even though they are also subclasses to the ProtoReader. The first one calls other readers and turns multiple trajectories into a single one. The second one, as the name says, reads single frame formats. The latter reads the trajectory from memory. In all three cases, using the API as described above resulted in frames being transformed multiple times - if you translate a trajectory by 10 in all three coordinates, these coordinates would be shifted by ten every time that frame was read. To avoid this, the add_transformations() and _apply_transformations() methods would need to be overridden in these classes.

Since the ChainReader creates a format reader instance for each input file, then the add_transformations() method needs to add the transformation to the transformations property of the ChainReader, but call the corresponding method of the format reader being used for that input file. As for the _apply_transformations(), since the transformations are no longer handled directly by the ChainReader, it will simply return the Timestep given as argument.

The readers of the SingleFrameReaderBase class read the input file only once, and the Timestep instance created upon reading is stored in the memory, as opposed to the multiple frame readers (except for the memory format), which read the frame from storage every time. So, when reading that frame over and over again, the “overtransformation” phenomenon would happen. Similarly, in the MemoryReader, since the trajectory is stored in memory, the Timesteps are modified directly in the source.

In both this cases the transformations methods need to be changed - by applying the transformation over the all the trajectory at once ( a single frame in the case of the SingleFrameReaderBase class readers) and only once, the “overtransformation” phenomenon is avoided. The add_transformations(), when called, adds the transformations to the transformations property, iterates over the trajectory and transforms every single frame. As in the previous case, the _apply_transformations() method simply returns the timestep given as argument, without further modifications.

Remember that I said that transformations can only be added once? This “overtransformation” thing is the main reason for that. Allowing transformations to be added more than once, while it would work mostly fine on multiframe readers, the three cases above would require book keeping on the applied transformations. This book keeping is not recommended as it opens the doors for errors and nasty bugs, and fragilizes the API.

So this is a “brief” description of the API I’ve implemented in the past month. Tests and docs have also been written, and the API should become part of the development version of MDAnalysis anytime now.

The next challenge? Adding transformations

Until next time,
