After having the PR for the on-the-fly transformations API approved, it was time to add more transformations.

I started by adding a rotation transformation called rotate_by. This transformation takes an AtomGroup an angle and a direction vector. The axis of rotation is defined by the center of geometry (COG) or mass (COM) of the AtomGroup and the direction vector. The user is given multiple options regarding how the axis is defined and how the COG/COM is calculated:

  • a coordinate point can be given and will replace the COG/COM calculation and will be used to define the axis of rotation;
  • the COM/COG can be calculated with or without taking periodic boundary conditions (PBC) in to account. When PBC are used, the atoms are moved to the primary unit cell before the center calculation.

The COG/COM functions were already implemented in MDAnalysis , and are methods of the AtomGroup class. The rotation of the coordinates is very simple - a rotation matrix is calculated for the given angle and axis using the rotation_matrix function of the lib.transformations module of MDAnalysis; the coordinates are then multiplied by the rotation matrix.

Another transformation that I added was centering in the unit cell, called center_in_box. By default this function translates the Timestep coordinates so that the COG of a given AtomGroup becomes aligned with the center of the unit cell. Just like rotate_by, this transformation takes an AtomGroup as argument. This is the only mandatory argument. The other parameters define whether to use the COM or COG of the AtomGroup, if PBCs are taken into account for the COM/COG calculation. Finally there’s a point argument that takes an array of a 3d coordinate. This point overrides the COG/COM calculation and the coordinates are translated so this point aligns with the center of the unit cell instead. The calculation is very simple - the vector between the center of the unit cell and the COG/COM/point is calculated, and then added to all the coordinates of that Timestep.

Finally, I gave a shot at enhancing the function make_whole of the lib.mdamath module of MDAnalysis. This function takes a molecule (called fragment in the API) that has been broken due to PBCs and rebuilds it so that all the bonds have their correct length again. This is undoing what the AtomGroup method wrap does. Instead of having all the atoms inside the unit cell, when rebuilding the broken molecule some atoms will end up outside. Untill now, make_whole only worked with orthogonal unit cells. Another issue was the performance - it was very slow. My intention was mainly extendind the functionality to triclinic unit cells. Triclinic unit cells, unlike the orthogonal ones, don’t have 90 degree angles between the 3 vectors that define them. This makes it harder to solve this problem intuitively. The idea that I, with a lot of help from Manuel Melo, had was translating the origin of the vectors formed by the array of second atoms of the bonds of the fragment and the array of first atoms to the center of the unit cell. Then vectors that fell outside the unit cell would be wrapped using the apply_PBC function of the lib.distances module of MDAnalysis. Then the origin of the vectors would be translated again to the origin of the unit cell. Adding this array of vectors to the array of first atoms of the bonds would return the corrected positions of the second atoms. This processed would be repeated inside the function until all the bonds were correct. This code was fast, but had a major problem. It failed to rebuild cyclic molecules. At the same time Richard Gowers ported the original make_whole to cython, with optimizations and updated it to work with triclinic unit cells. It didn’t have the issues that my version had, and so it was merged. Trying to solve the triclinic unit cell problem was a good exercise, and really helped me have a deeper understanding of something I use everyday in my project, and never really gave much thought to.

That’s all for now. The next post will be about more flavours of coordinate centering.

Until next time,
